How can I fix my sore throat? When I had mono my friend Jess gave me The Best advice for treating a sore throat that I have ever received! Nothing compares. Even though I couldn’t speed through being sick, I could get through it without my throat hurting. Ginger root tea was her solution. Not a prepackaged tea bag, not food or drink with some ginger in it. A handful of diced ginger root, boiled in water for 20-30 minutes. When I drank a glass of it my sore throat was completely gone for four hours. When I had mono. That’s without medicine and just using what nature provides. I’ve used turmeric, I’ve used cayenne pepper and although they do have anti-inflammatory properties they are no match for the power of boiled ginger root. It tastes terrible! But it works. Whenever I have a sore throat I will drink this throughout the day. It only costs a dollar to get enough ginger to make 4-6 glasses.
Here’s a quick guide to making it:
Buy raw ginger root from your local grocery. Start boiling a [reg] sized pot of water while you peel the ginger. Dice the ginger. Boil [3/4 cup] of diced ginger per pot of water. Let it continue to boil for 20-30 minutes with the lid on. Keep an eye on the heat level so it doesn’t boil over. If the water level boils down significantly you can add water.
I would recommend drinking a full glass of it. It starts working for me within 10-15 minutes.
People will often ask if they can add honey or something to make it taste better. I think that’s fine but remember this is acting as a medicine for you. It’s not meant to be a delicious drink, it’s just something that will make you feel better and reduce inflammation.
This secret has helped me so much. I hope it helps you!